Thursday, August 23, 2007

how much should i spend on...?

the following percentages are roughly how much of your monthly net income should be spent on each category. good to know! :-P

  • Housing: 20-30%
  • Utilities: 2-10%
  • Transportation: 2-5%
  • Food and Personal: 12-25%
includes clothing, groceries, entertainment, dining out, dry cleaning, and hair cuts.
  • Debt Repayment: 5-15%
if you spend more than 15% on these payments, you may need to make some budget adjustments.
  • Insurance: 2-5%
for health, life, auto, and renter's/home owner's insurance
  • Health Care: 5%
a resource for when insurance will not cover something.
  • Savings: 5-10%
for unexpected expenses, emergencies, or vacations.
  • Miscellaenous: 1-2%
this could include out-of-pocket expenses, convenience items, magazines, newspapers, and other small purchases.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

college cost reduction act of 2007

in case you don't already know, the house passed a college financial aid bill last month, which will give money to minority universities, lower interest rates, and increase financial aid, among other things.

some other tidbits the legislation includes:
  • guarantees burrowers will not have to pay more than 15% of their income in loan repayments. caps annual payments at a percentage of a student's income
  • increases federal loan limits
  • provides up-front tuition assistance to those who commit to teaching in high poverty communities and high-need subject areas
  • $5,000 in loan forgiveness for those who go into public service careers
  • allows public servants to have their loan forgiven in 10 years
  • invests over $500 million to minority institutions in the next 5 years
in order to pay for these perks for students, lenders will see cuts in payments to the government to guarantee them a profit in the student loan business.

but all i can say about this bill is... it's about time!
