why should you want to have a more energy efficient home?
- it saves you money in the long run
- it increases the value of your home
- you're doing your part for the world!
1. Look for EnergyStar certified appliances and lighting.
The typical household spends $1,900 a year on energy bills. With EnergyStar, you can save up to 30% or more than $600 per year.check out this energy bill pie chart made by EnergyStar. it shows what percentage of each category (ie: electronics, heating & cooling, lighting, etc.) accounts for the average annual energy bill.
2. Reep the benefits of Federal Tax Credits for energy efficient products.
as far as i know, this only applies to those who actually own their property and are able to make structural changes to their home.
keep the receipts of everything you buy that may qualify for the energy efficiency tax credits. you will need to fill out IRS Form 5695 and submit it with your taxes. you will also need the Manufacturer's Certification Statement just in case. it's a signed statement from the manufacturer saying that the product or material qualifies for the tax credit.
also note that not all EnergyStar products are eligible for the tax credit. for a complete list of products that qualify, click here.
3. Inform yourself and fill out a 5-minute energy saving recommendation(s) audit from EnergyStar.
this small form, called the EnergyStar Home Energy Yardstick, just requires the last 12 months of your utility bills. it can help you get some energy saving suggestions for your home.
4. Turn down the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees F.
most of your daily household needs will not require anything hotter.
5. Replace the light bulbs that you use the most in your home with CFL bulbs.
CFLs use about 75% less energy and last 10 times longer than regular incandescent light bulbs. just make sure to place them in rooms where lighting is on for more than ~15 minutes. otherwise, turning them on and off will significantly shorten their lives. replacing your lighting with EnergyStar certified bulbs can save you more than $65 a year in energy costs.
when deciding on which CFL wattage to get, consult this chart:
please keep in mind CFLs contain a small amount of mercury in them and therefore should be disposed of properly. if one happens to break in your home, follow these EPA clean up guidelines to keep you and your family safe!
6. Install an EnergyStar certified programmable thermostat.
being able to program your heating and cooling when you're not home or are sleeping can save you a bundle. when used properly, a thermostat can save you up to $150 a year.
7. Use window blinds to block sunlight in rooms that are too hot and long, full curtains to prevent a draft in rooms that are too cold.
8. Unplug electrical equipment that's not in use. (ie: Cell phone chargers, video game consoles, etc.)
these things, even though they appear to be off, may still use a lot of energy while in standby mode. prevent this by unplugging them or switching off the surge protector that powers them.
9. Maximize the use of natural lighting in your home.
about 10% of our annual energy bill is used on lighting. use neutral colors for your window coverings to allow more sunlight in. it's free, and on days when it's in abundance, can be just as good as artificial light.
10. Take showers instead of baths.
baths take about 5 more gallons of water than showers. a new showerhead will also save you energy compared to the typical bath or the old fashioned showerhead. this can save you up to $145 each year, depending on how long your showers are, i would think. :P
11. Wash your laundry in cold water.
using cold water instead of hot water can save the average household more than $400 annually, especially if cold water laundry detergents are used.
12. If your computer has a "standby" or "sleep" mode, schedule it to turn on when you're not using the computer.
most computers, such as the entire Apple line, allow you to set sleep mode to come on after a certain amount of minutes that you designate. it uses significantly less energy and still allows you easy access to your computer. and, if it just doesn't get any better, all Macs are EnergyStar certified!
to learn how to do this, visit the Apple website. for Windows XP power management, check out the Microsoft website.
if you'd like to get mathematical about your home energy consumption, here is a list of formulas for estimating energy consumption and typical wattages for various appliances. for specific products, most appliances or electrical products will have a technical specifications page online that usually tells you their typical wattage. try visiting the manufacturer's website or the site of the place you bought it from.
well, i hope my compilation helps you in some way. let's try to be courteous to mother nature, too!! she's our only home. :-)
[via Energystar.gov, eere.energy.gov.]
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